Aaaand…I’m Back!

Oh my goodness, I am SO sorry. I disappeared so rudely and for so long, haha! However, it’s the same old reason – EXAM TIME. I am revising until my eyes hurt and my nose becomes sore from being pressed to the page! It’s so unbelievably intense…these are my finals, the exams that my whole academic career has been leading up to! (And don’t think my father will let me forget it!) However, on June 1st it will all be over. I will be propelled, kicking and screaming and slightly dazed, into the Real World, outside education. Scary stuff!

So that’s my excuse. Also, the dog ate my homework.

Anyway, excuses and apologies aside, I am back. Although my exams are still in full swing, I’ve been missing blogging so much that I’ve decided to allow myself to return – during my set study breaks, of course!

I’m going to write a proper post in a minute – I wanted this to just be my apology post without sticking a load of other things in too.

Also, isn’t the weather LOVELY?! (That’s mainly addressed to my UK friends, though I hope it’s sunny for everyone else too!)


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